Christian Homeschoolers of Northern Michigan
Class day registration for the 2024-2025 academic year is closed.
Class Day registration for the 2025-2026 academic year opens in May 2025.
Registration closes July 31th, or when classes are full - whichever comes first.

Membership in the group never closes, and you can join at any time.

1. Represent the home schooling community in a manner that honors Jesus Christ.
2. Provide moral support, informal sharing and educational training for parents.
3. Provide educational opportunities: skill exchanges, science fairs, and weekly gym/classes co-op.
4. Inform the community and educate new homeschoolers about homeschooling.

CHNM  membership is $60 per family per year. A membership year is from July 1-June 30. Your dues entitle you to the following benefits and activities:

  • Website Access
  • Archery Team
  • Yearbook (one free copy per year)
  • Teen Club
  • Tween Club
  • Science & Art Fair
  • Christmas Program
  • Spring Performance Night
  • Family Potlucks/Picnics
  • Field Trips
  • Mom's Night Out
  • Any other CHNM-sponsored activities

CHNM is open to Christian homeschool families in Northern Michigan. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information or request membership.

Class day is on Wednesdays in Gaylord from September through April, with a break in December & January. There is an additional $120.00 fee per family to participate in class day. Click here to see a sample of the classes we offer.

If you would like more information about our weekly gym/classes co-op, please contact us at [email protected]. Co-op membership requires a parent to teach or help with classes and coordinating CHNM activities.

***The 2024/2025 Class Day Classes are full, registration is closed until May 2025

Is class day included in my dues? 

No. Class day is an additional $120/year, per family. To join the co-op classes, you must be a CHNM member family and this fee must be paid before you can register for classes.

What classes do you offer?

We offer a variety of academic and enrichment classes. 

When/how can I register for classes?

Before you can register for classes, you must be a member of our group. You must also agree to our class day policies. You can view those here and on our application. Registration for classes opens in the spring/early summer as room is available for new families. Current members are offered an earlier time to register. Our class day meets on Wednesdays from September through April, with a holiday/semester break in December and January.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic year will begin in May 2025 and closes on July 31, 2025.