Christian Homeschoolers of Northern Michigan Christian Homeschoolers of Northern Michigan

Request Membership in CHNM

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Thank you for your interest in CHNM! You must be a registered member of our group before access to the member website can be approved. Please note that, in addition to the information below, membership dues of $60 must be received before your website membership can be approved, and the $120 class day fee must be received before you will be allowed to register for classes, if you have chosen to join class day.

Our Mission Statement: A Christ-centered support group established to provide fellowship, encouragement and to enhance the ability of Christian families to home educate their children.

To register for CHNM and receive access to the member website:

  1. Fill out the member information below.
  2. When filling out the below form, please check "yes" under "Would you like to receive forum e-mails?" This website is our main form of communication. Signing up for e-mail notifications ensures that you will receive any group notifications in a timely manner. We do not send out spam - only information that is relevant to the group and to any classes or clubs your family has joined within the group.
  3. Your website access will be approved as soon as your membership is approved by our board and payment is received.
  4. In order to get to know our prospective members, we ask that you join us at our next board meeting to introduce yourselves. We meet on the third Monday of the month. Please see your confirmation email for location and time. We speak with prospective members at the beginning of the meeting so you do not have to stay for the entire meeting.

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